Imprint varies: v. 1-5, Richmond: Printed by and for Samuel Pleasants (v. 1-2, Samuel Pleasants, junior), printer to the commonwealth. 1809-15.--v. 6, Richmond. Printed for the editor. At the Franklin press.--W. W. Gray, print. 1819.--v. 7, Richmond. Printed for the editor. At the Franklin press.--Market bridge. 1820.--v. 8-9, Richmond: Printed for the editor. J. & G. Cochran, printers. 1821.--v. 10-12, Richmond: Printed for the editor, by George Cochran. 1822-23.--v. 13, Philadelphia: Printed f
...or the editor, by Thomas Desilver, no. 253, Market street. William Brown, printer. 1823 Each volume contains a list of governors of Virginia during the period comprised in the volume Vols. 1-5 were published in a 2d edition: v. 1-2, New York, 1823; v. 3, Philadelphia; v. 4, Richmond, 1820; v. 5, Richmond, 1819 An index to the personal names in these volumes were published, New York, 1896, under title: Personal names in Hening's Statutes at large of Virginia, and Shepard's continuation. By Joseph J. Casey I. Resolution of the Convention of Virginia, authorizing their delegates in Congress to declare American independence. Constitution of the United States. Declaration of independence. Articles of confederation. Declaration of rights of Virginia. Constitution of Virginia. Ancient charters relating to the first settlement of Virginia. Commission to Sir Francis Wyatt (July 24th, 1621) Instructions to Governor Wyatt (July 24th, 1621) Acts of assembly, 1619-1649. Articles at the surrender of the country, &c. Acts of assembly, 1652-1660.--II. 1660-1682. Historical documents from 1660 to 1682.--III. 1684-1710. Historical documents from 1682 to 1710.--IV. 1711-1736.--v. 1738-1748.--VI. 1748-1755.--VII. 1756-1763. Proclamations of 1754, and 1763.--VIII. 1764-1773.--IX. 1775-1778.--X. 1779-1781. Resolutions and state papers from 1779 to 1781.--XI. 1782-1784. Resolutions and state papers from 1782 to 1784.--XII. 1785-1788.--XIII. 1789-1792
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